Guangzhou Raymons Group, we are founded in 2007. Medium size assembly factory with a large office includes sales and product development teams. We can respond quickly to all kinds of watch and clock orders, including sample design and custom OEM projects. Our company has grown steadily in the last 1...
Guangzhou Raymons Group, we are founded in 2007. Medium size assembly factory with a large office includes sales and product development teams. We can respond quickly to all kinds of watch and clock orders, including sample design and custom OEM projects. Our company has grown steadily in the last 10 years and has proven success in all aspects of watch and clock business. The company's annual turnover is now USD 10 million and growing steadily each year.
In our show room, we have more than three thousands kinds of sample models available for customer reference, and also there will be twenty to thirty new designs to be launched each month. To better present Raymons worldwide, usually we attend the HK fashion show, Canton Fair and other regional exhibitions globally, and update our latest fashion sense and products for our customers.
Our collections perfectly combine traditional styling with modern trends. Raymons Watch brings the best out of your look and completes your outfit. And there not only to indicate time but to define your best moments and captivate attention in all simplicity. Raymons Clock is a comprehensive collection of functional and beautifully designs, ranging from the sleek minimalism associated with contemporary design, to the bright and colorful clocks inspired by the 60’s, all the way through to the timeless British classics, as well as everything in between.
The key why Raymons existing in this competitive line for so many years is mostly because of our high quality products with favorable price, on-time delivery and good service, therefore we enjoy a good relationship with many retailers, wholesalers, and department stores all over the world. At the same time, we have conducted the relevant factory audit for these valued customers without issues.
服務城市:廣州 深圳 東莞 佛山 中山 珠海 北京 上海 杭州 蘇州 重慶 天津
成都 武漢 南京 青島 無錫 長沙 寧波 鄭州 濟南 南通
合肥 南昌 新疆
汕頭 江門 湛江 惠州 西安 沈陽 昆明 大連 福州 廈門 溫州 長春 泉州
貴陽 金華 常州 嘉興 太原 徐州 揭陽 ???/p>
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