Motivated by our customers' needs, we are focused on creating ease of access to power supply products and information that help drive arengineer's design. Our goal is to improve the way power products are purchased today and into the future.Originally starting out as a company that sold transformers...
Motivated by our customers' needs, we are focused on creating ease of access to power supply products and information that help drive arengineer's design. Our goal is to improve the way power products are purchased today and into the future.Originally starting out as a company that sold transformers and linear adapters, we began designing and selling power supplies as a sideproject. The side project grew over the years into a portfolio of ac-dc power supplies and PD charger. Today we are proud to offer anextensive line of power products to our global customer base that serve the consumer, loT,industria, medical industries and consumel market.
服務城市:廣州 深圳 東莞 佛山 中山 珠海 北京 上海 杭州 蘇州 重慶 天津
成都 武漢 南京 青島 無錫 長沙 寧波 鄭州 濟南 南通
合肥 南昌 新疆
汕頭 江門 湛江 惠州 西安 沈陽 昆明 大連 福州 廈門 溫州 長春 泉州
貴陽 金華 常州 嘉興 太原 徐州 揭陽 海口
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