ABOUT PURE APPAREL Why we're here PURE Apparel is a community-inspired activewear brand rooted in listening to our customers – thousands of voices have contributed to our products throughout the years. By continuously hearing the wants and needs of our yoga community that include...
Why we're here
PURE Apparel is a community-inspired activewear brand rooted in listening to our customers – thousands of voices have contributed to our products throughout the years. By continuously hearing the wants and needs of our yoga community that include our teachers and students, PURE Apparel keeps growing at the right pace and in the right place. Going forward, we will remain a collective vision with community at the heart of all that we do.
What we do
Each PURE Apparel item is founded on innovative fabrics, functional designs and thoughtful attention to detail that flatter every shape and every movement. And we’ll continue innovating to cultivate new opportunities for self-expression.
With every seam and every fibre, simplicity and comfort remain at the core of every piece.
Founded in 2002 and headquartered in Hong Kong, The PURE Group is Asia’s leading premium lifestyle brand that includes PURE Yoga, PURECAST360.com, PURE Fitness, PURE Apparel and nood food. PURE Group has locations in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Singapore, Taipei and New York. PURE Yoga has a wide variety of yoga and meditation classes and private yoga programmes, including workshops with renowned teachers from all over the world. PURE Fitness offers the industry’s best from around the globe, encompassing strength and cardio training in addition to dynamic group classes led by passionate world-class instructors. Together with PURE Apparel’s performance activewear and nood food’s innovative organic health foods and cold-pressed juices, the PURE Group is an integrated community dedicated to helping people lead a happier, balanced 360? lifestyle.
服務城市:廣州 深圳 東莞 佛山 中山 珠海 北京 上海 杭州 蘇州 重慶 天津
成都 武漢 南京 青島 無錫 長沙 寧波 鄭州 濟南 南通
合肥 南昌 新疆
汕頭 江門 湛江 惠州 西安 沈陽 昆明 大連 福州 廈門 溫州 長春 泉州
貴陽 金華 常州 嘉興 太原 徐州 揭陽 ???/p>
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